I run away when things are good; and never really understood🎶♊


Head : LeLUTKA MAINSTORE - Lake Head 1.2 

 • Body : [LEGACY] - [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Perky Edition (1.2.1))

 • Hair : Sintiklia- Hair Rylee - Naturals

 • Outfit: Safira - Kate Outfit | Belt | Skirt | Top @FaMESHed June 1st to June 27th. 



 • Tattoo: TAOX TATTOO - Chest Crown Chin Up 



 • Companion : [Rezz Room] - Shiba Inu Adult Animesh (Companion) @Uber

Companion : [Rezz Room] - Shiba Inu Puppy Animesh (Companion) @Uber 

Some vintage stuff Set: MOVEMENT - Vintage keyboard - Vintage watch desk - Heart cookies 


Let's Dance!

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