Imagine if I didn't have to worry about everything around me and my sanity was actually here 🎶

Head : LeLUTKA MAINSTORE - LeLUTKA Nova Head 1.0 

 • Body : [SHOP] Legacy Meshbody - [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) (1.2.1)

 • Hair : BESOM HAIR STORE - #BESOM hair~ Jordan hairstyle (unpacked)

 • Eyes : E U P H O R I C .euphoric ~Day Dream Eyes Applier ~[LeLutka] 

 • Outfit : MANGUE. Mainstore Melina Outfit TEAL - UNPACK ME Maitreya / Hourglass / Freya / Legacy @Cosmopolitan Event 

Nails : Avada Beauty Avada~ Ballerina Nails - Shani 

 • Earrings : ~~ Ysoral ~~ ~~ Ysoral ~~ .: Luxe Set 3 Earrings Vanille :.

 • Pose : Secret Poses Secret Poses - Daisy @Spring Flair Event available in April 9 to April 30

🎧 gnash - imagine if (lyric video)

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